It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 19th International Symposium FORAGE CONSERVATION in BRNO, Czech Republic, April 25th - 27th 2023.

The Symposium will present scientific knowledge from the sphere of forage production, silage production, regulation of fermentation process, technology of forage conservation, silage feeding, nutrition and sustainable animal agriculture.

Youtube playlist

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We have created the youtube playlist to access public / private video files from this event.

The private videos contain full lectures that means brief introduction of author, commented slides and free discussion. They are divided into these files:

  • Plenary papers - Full lectures of 6 Plenary papers.
  • Section one - Full lectures of 11 papers.
  • Section two - Full lectures of 7 papers.

How to get an access to private videos:

  • Price - 1500 CZK per an account which has an access to all private videos. Do not hestiate to ask us about the special agreedment in case that you want access for several colleagues or departments (10+ accounts) or you are interested only in one video file.
  • Order - Send an email to The text should contain the billing address and your Youtube account (example: We will send you an invoice and then we add you the right to see all private videos.

Important notes:

  • LICENCE: Only for private useage, you have not got any rights to create copies of this video stream or its parts.
  • Author who presents the paper has a right to review the video and asked revision of some parts of his/her presentation (blur / remove private information, etc.). Let us know:

Registration information

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You can find registration forms at the right side of page (below the ISFC logo). There are these types of registration forms:
  • Pre-registration -
    This registration is free. You get an access to our webportal which allows you to registrate your article to our conference or buy your ticket for this symposium. Do not worry to fill out this form. We use your personal data only for communication focused on this symposium (like announcement, changes, information).
  • Registration of papers or posters
    One author registrates an article to the conference and members of scientific committee contact him or she about an acceptance of this paper. When you want registrate your paper you have to own an account on our web portal There are no limitation about number of articles. More information are available in "Instructions for authors".
  • Registration of participants fees
    Only this registration is paid and required a payment. Each participant (listener or lecturer) have to own a ticket. Tickets are available on (as "Your Participantion (registration fees)").
    The voucher will be sent to you after we get your payment on our bank account. For better recognation of your payment, please fill a bank account information.
    You can pay your order cash directly at registration point in Brno on Monday (24th April 2023) or on Tuesday (25th April 2023). Currency of payment is only CZK.
You will be inform about your registration at by automaticaly generated e-mail. Please comunicate only via e-mail addresses - use

In case that you do not receive automaticaly generated e-mail in few minutes, please contact our members of committee (Ing. Sona Mala, Ing. Vaclav Jambor, CSc.). Before you do this please check your e-mails filters to be sure that problem is on our side.

ATM in neighborough

  • Tram station - Mendlovo náměstí (bank AirBank) - Mendlovo náměstí 616/19, 60300 Brno
  • Supermarket - Albert (bank Komerční Banka) - Mendlovo náměstí 686/15a, 60300 Brno
  • OREA Congress Hotel (Euronet) - Křížkovského 458/47, 60300 Brno
  • Výstaviště - enter E (bank ČSOB) - Výstaviště 405/1, 60300 Brno

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Deadline for the registration of fees is on April 10, 2023. Later registration will be more expensive.

Conference fee

Price: 7000 CZK before April 10, 2023; 8500 CZK later

The delegate fee include:

  • Ticket / Voucher
  • Interesting works - written by the people from the whole World
  • Symposium Proceeding (english)
  • Lunch - every day

Banquet fee

Price: 1050 CZK before April 10, 2023; 1200 CZK later

The first day of the symposium (25th April, 2023) will be organized banquet for the participants of the symposium.

Excursion fee (Thursday, 27th April 2023)

Price: 1700 CZK before April 10, 2023; 1900 CZK later

After the end of symposium (on Friday, 27th April, 2023) will be held an all-day trip. You can look forward to:

Accompanying person fee

Price: 2200 CZK before April 10, 2023; 2200 CZK later

The accompanying person has special program.

NOTE: Payment of registration fees are possible by bank transfer or during registration (at the registration point: OREA Congress Hotel Brno on 24th April; Opatství Brno on the 25th April) only in cash and CZK.
NOTE: Actual prices of fees are possible to find at in section "Your participation".

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The city of symposium - Brno

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BRNO is a historical city located in South Moravia approximately 200 km from the capital of Czech Republic, Prague and 100 km from Wien. Brno is town of international fair. Information about Czech republic and Brno.

The famous places in Brno are sumarized in this video. If you look for more information about Brno, there is a official play list on youtube.

How to reach the place:

  • By car you can drive according to map. In Austrian and Czech motorways you must buy motorway licence.
  • From Brno Airport you can take a taxi or use a bus to the center of Brno
  • From Prague Airport you can take a taxi to Prague Central bus-station and there take a bus to Brno (for example RegioJet, Tourbus, etc.). From Brno Central bus station you can take a taxi to your hotel.
  • From Wien airport (Schwechat) you can travel by bus to Brno Central bus-station (for example RegioJet, Tourbus, etc.) and proceed as above.
  • Information about bus and railway station
  • Information about public transport system in Brno or

The place of symposium - Opatství Brno

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Symposium takes place at:

Augustiniánské opatství a farnost při bazilice Nanebevzetí P.Marie na Starém Brně
Mendlovo náměstí 157/1
603 00 Brno
GPS: 49.19135935990198, 16.594380073355687 (show)

How to reach the place:


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On April 22 - 26, 2023, ANIMAL TECH 2023 will take place with the National Show of Livestock and with National Gamekeeping Show.

This group of trade fairs was set up in cooperation with partners and co-organisers – professional associations, state administration, local government and specialised schools.

The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock. The fair is primarily aimed at experts - breeders, animal technicians, farmers and vets


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OREA Congress Hotel Brno

We offer accomodation in OREA Congress Hotel Brno. This hotel is max. 15 minutes (1 km) walk away.

  • OREA Congress Hotel Brno - double room: 2520 CZK
  • OREA Congress Hotel Brno - single room: 2350 CZK
  • OREA Hotel Voro Brno - double room: 2360 CZK
  • OREA Hotel Voro Brno - single room: 2190 CZK

Bus stop is named "Velodrom" or "Křižkovského". You can use bus number 84 or 44 to get at the place of symposium (Bus stop called "Mendlovo náměstí"). It takes 4 minutes.

Hotels in neighborough

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The place of the conference:

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Instruction for authors

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Download file (instruction.pdf)


Papers and all editorial correspondence should be addressed to:

NutriVet Ltd.
Vídeňská 1023
ZIP code: 691 23
Czech Republic

Internet presentation:

Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation at the time of submission. Papers not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for acceptance as posters. Provisionally accepted papers will enter an editorial process and the returned for checking prior to inclusion in the proceedings.

The instructions for submission and the method of publication are identical for oral and poster papers. Papers must be registrated before November 1, 2022 using the web portal following the instructions given bellow. Autors are responsible for English level of their papers and oral presentations. If some difficulty occurs please contact us via

Papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee and authors will be informed of provisional acceptance or rejection of the paper by December 31, 2022. Provisionally accepted papers will enter an editional process and be returned for checking prior to inclusion in the proceedings.

Acceptance of the paper will be confirmed provided that the delegate fee for at least one of the authors is received by early registration deadline.

NOTE: First, register your paper (Authors, Title, Abstract), then wait to the acceptance of your paper. We will inform you via email about the acceptace of your paper. Please, then you will be able to upload your paper via our portal.


Proceedings of the Conference will be distributed to delegates at the meeting. It is imperative, therefore, that the deadlines and instructions are strictly observed.

Your accepted paper or poster has to be uploaded via the web portal ( The uploaded file should be suitable for reading into Microsoft Word 2021.

Preparation of manuscripts:

Length: The maximum page allocation for manuscripts, prepared according to the format given below, is as follow (including abstracts where required, tables, figures and references):

  • Plenary paper max. 15 pages A4
  • Oral paper and poster max. 2 pages A4
Language: All papers must be written in English.

Format: Papers should be typed or printed on A 4 paper single pacing, 20 - 20 mm wide margins and a type size of 10 point. Reductions in type size will not be accepted for test, tables or references. The line spacing to single space, style font Times New Roman CE or Times New Roman.

Title: The title should be in bold type, lower case with capital first letters. Name of authors should be in capitals (not bold) followed by the address in lower case (not bold).

The text should be arranged under headings of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. An abstract is not required for plenary paper.

Main headings : Capitals in bold and to the left
Second headings : Lower case in bold and to the left
Third headings : Lower case in italics and to the left
The text should run on from the second and hind head links Headings should not be numbered.

Tables: Should be included in the text (and disd) in the desired position. They must fit the A 4 page allowing for margins. The title should be brief but precise and in lower case (not bold). The title number should be in bold and to the left. The lining and general layout of the tables should conform with the examples enclosed.

Figures: Should be kept to a minimum. The title should be brief but precise and in lower case (not bold). The author's name and figure number should be in bold and to the left.

Summary: Will be maximal 10 line accepted for English version.

Species: May be referred to by full common English names followed by the scientific (Latin) name in italics and brackets at fires mention. Capitol letters associated with the English names can be dispensed with except where proper nouns are involved. Latin names should be typed in italics.

References to rates: should be in the form : kg/ha or kg/ha per day etc.

Concentrations: Should appear as g/kg, mg/kg etc. and not as percentages. Digestibility may appear as a decimal fraction or as a percentage value.

Spellings: Should conform to the preferred spellings given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary or the Oxford dictionary for Writes and Editors. The suffix - ize rather than - ise should be used in verbs taking this form (e.g. fertilise, utilise). Numerical data should be in SI (metric) units and standard abbreviations and statistical terms may by used without explanation (e.g. DM for dry matter, s.e. standard error, UK, EC etc.) Abbreviations using capital letters do not take full stops.

Footnotes: should be avoided in the text.

References: Should be cited in the text either in form of Anderson and Jackson (1997) or (Anderson and Jackson, 1997) depending on the context. When there are more than two authors use et al. after first name. All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Author's names, titles of journals and books should be given in full. For publications in another European language the original title of the patter or book should be given with an English translation of the title in square brackets.

Proofs: Will be corrected by the Editors and not returned to authors. The Editors reserve the right to make minor amendments without reference to authors. Papers requiring major precision will be returned to authors for amendment before the proof stage.

Reprints will not be available.

General: The following general guidelines should be followed to ensure uniformity of presentation.

Introduction: A brief statement should be made clearly stating the aims of the work and its relevance.

Materials and Methods / Results and Discussion:
It is expected that data will be replicated and subjected to an appropriate statistical analysis. Where this is not possible, e.g. large scale trials, the steps taken to ensure elimination of bias should be stated. Analytical methods should not be detailed unless novel but appropriate references quoted. The source of proprietary products, e.g. additives, should be given (e.g. XYZ plc, Cardiff).
When mean values are quoted e.g. crop composition, the number of samples and standard error should be stated. Do not use.
Conclusions: The main conclusions of the work and its relevance should be summarised.

For present of papers: Will be on disposition data projector.

References: It will not be possible for the Editors to check all references. Authors are asked to pay particular attention to the accuracy of references and their presentation.





Guidelines for the Preparation of Scientific Posters


  • Make the poster fit a board length 1 000 mm and breadth 800 mm high.
  • Posters can be made up on one large sheet or up to six smaller sheets (which can go in your suitcase!)
  • Use thick paper (plastic coated is reasonable) or card.
  • Divide the poster into sections (e.g. title, message, introduction, methods, results and conclusions). Make it clear in which order they should be read by numbering (1, 2, 3, ... or lettering A, B, C,...).
  • Titles should be 2.5cm high, text 1cm high.
  • Photocopy enlargements should be avoided as they produce poor quality
  • Use a sophisticated lettering system, photographic enlargements or a high quality computer output.
  • Keep logos discrete.
  • No references.
Clarity is the key word

A simple graph (in colour), a table or a photograph will attract and aid understanding. Too many will confuse.

Golden rules!

  • Posters are a visual way to let people know in the simplest of terms about your work.
  • If people see and remember one visual image relating to one main point, then you have succeeded.
  • The objective of a poster is not to explain every interesting aspect of an experiment; it is to show that aspect which is open to presentation through the poster medium.
  • With a poster the medium and the message are closely connected. What you did and what the result was should be said in large print, simply and be instantly seen by the viewer.


Most people passing your poster are not interested in details - think how much of other people's posters you read! - give them a handout instead.

  • Posters must be clear and easy to read. Type size should be large. If it is not visually clear, few people will make the effort to read it.
  • Use less information, not more (i.e. a poster should not merely duplicate the summary).
  • Respect the size of type suggested - this will ensure readability. If you think you need smaller text to include everything then you have too much information!
  • The message - "the hook" - that you wish to impart should be the first thing that is read.
  • Avoid design for design sake: colour should be used to enhance the story that you are presenting, not to show off!
  • Consider a photo, table or graph, especially if it helps to explain your story. But not too many!
  • Logos (maximum two per poster) should be discrete - this is a scientific meeting (10cm x 10cm maximum).
  • Proof read, do it again, then get somebody else to do it!
  • Ask yourself - which posters do you have time or the interest to read? Then compare those with your own.

Guidelines reproduced by kind permission of BSAS

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